Why your Social Media Profile matters

The emergence of the internet has opened up all kinds of avenues that were could not be foreseen before the 21st century. Social media platforms have become rampant, which has led to an unexpected phenomenon: the analysis of information available there for hiring purposes. How recruitment has changed Organizations have increasingly begun utilizing social media to gain more information about […]

The Benefits of Freelancing

A freelancer is basically any professional who is self-employed and offers their services to clients. Freelancing is done through portals like Prodoo, which are designed to accommodate freelancers and enable them to find the best opportunities in the job market. Freelancing has grown significantly and has become more pertinent than ever, particularly since the pandemic began. According to Upwork, one […]

Employers and Online Recruitment

The internet has completely changed how companies carry out recruitment. With the advent of platforms like LinkedIn and various other job application portals, recruiters are seeking candidates online, as opposed to conventional methods like featuring job advertisements in newspapers. The preferred choice of employers In 2020, recruitment firm Yello conducted a survey that delivered interesting results. Out of the two […]

Why Prodoo is the best choice for Recruiters

One of the byproducts of the 21st century and the digital age is that the internet has become central to all endeavors. With the passage of time, more activities have become digitized. Case in point: recruitment. Basically, the present and future of recruitment will be internet based. Hiring is one of the best examples because recruiters use portals like Prodoo […]

How Prodoo differs from other recruitment portals

The global pandemic has undoubtedly created a dramatic shift towards increased online activity. However, certain aspects of our lives became digital long before COVID-19 became apparent. For instance, if you examine the history of Ecommerce, it has been around since the 20th century. Amazon launched their website in 1994 and eBay followed a year later. Likewise, even recruitment is largely […]

The Best Features of Prodoo for Freelancers

Prodoo is an outstanding recruitment portal that is tailored to serve freelancers. If you’re looking for the premier job, Prodoo is equipped with attributes that make it easier than ever for users to get the relevant information they need. So what are some of the foremost features of Prodoo that freelancers can avail? We’ll highlight some of the best ones […]

Prodoo: What you need to know

Are you looking for a freelance opportunity? Don’t know where to look? With Prodoo, you don’t need to be apprehensive about finding a role best suited for you. Prodoo is a comprehensive recruitment solution for freelancers and recruiters. What does Prodoo offer? What exactly does the platform provide? It has various practical benefits, some of which are listed below: If […]

The effect of COVID-19 on freelancing

COVID-19 has had a major impact of all kinds of economic activity worldwide. The arrival of the pandemic and subsequent protocols dramatically affected conventional economic activity. For instance, running errands in person was replaced by online orders. Likewise, as safety measures like lockdowns, social distancing and work from home were imposed, a lot of individuals turned to freelancing. The impact […]


In the challenging days of the pandemic diseases COVID19, people are adopting social distancing, and strict standards of procedure (SOPs) to minimize the spread of this disease. For businesses, shutting down in the pandemic tenure is not possible, therefore most of them have started operating remotely, which is why their productivity has increased instead of decreasing. Remote working is not […]

Top Five Issues Freelancers face in Pakistan

There is a plethora of platforms available online such as Upwork and Fiverr. These marketplaces allow freelancers to exhibit their skills to a global audience. This means that a freelancer residing in Pakistan can find work from the comfort of their home if they are sensible. However, even established freelancers in Pakistan face a number of challenges, such as: Scarcity […]