Online Recruitment Methods To Hire The Ideal Candidate

Online Recruitment Methods To Hire The Ideal Candidate

Unless you’ve been living under a rock recently, you will be know how online recruitment has grown exponentially in the last few years. For example, popular job portal Indeed attracts more than two hundred and fifty million visitors each month. That is a far cry from the time when you had to scour newspapers and rely on word of mouth for the best job prospects.

Despite its rapid growth, online recruitment can pose its own challenges for employers. Finding the ideal candidate for an advertised role is a difficult task. It is pivotal for employers to understand their brand encapsulates more than just their reputation.
In fact, it is comprised of the company’s culture, mission and vision. The brand also includes any attributer that distinguishes the company from its competitors and the impression that potential employees perceive. Therefore, marketing the brand is imperative. Where you market it is equally important.

Company Website

One of the easiest ways to promote your brand is through your own website. The vast majority of candidates are likely to consider the employer’s brand before they apply. Having a dedicated page on the company website, which may be called ‘About Us’, is a convenient way to let applicants know what your brand is.
It’s equally important what message you will display on your website.


As mentioned above, the culture of the company is what makes it tick and what separates it from other organizations. For instance, it could be something as simple as a strict adherence to a formal dress code. Employers must be upfront about the culture they operate in.

Mission, Vision and Values

The company website should also contain a message regarding its mission, vision and values. This is vital because mission statements give context about the purpose of the organization while its vision statements specify what the organization aims to achieve and value statements are an indication of the principles that drive the company.

The aforementioned are significant because candidates will be more inclined to apply and become successful employees if their personal aims match the values instilled at the company.

Employee Testimonials

Moreover, employee testimonials are another viable way to highlight what the human resource at your company get as employees. This could be development opportunities, fringe benefits or what is expected of employees. Candidates are keen to know what it would be like to work for your company and this is an effective way to enlighten them.
Any role is more than just a simple ‘job’ and adequate branding can convince candidates that your company is the ideal organization for them. The better you can deliver the message, the higher the chances that your company will attract the right candidates.

Social Media

Besides having a functional website that contains sufficient information, having a social media presence is also vital. Social media represents roughly half of the investment recruiters make on growing their brand. This is because the presence of recruiters has increased exponentially on such platforms, which makes it difficult to be seen.

Social media channels are where the biggest audience will be found, which is why companies target these outlets and invest greatly in promoting their brand on these websites. The onus is on employers to comprehend that each platform is different and how they should approach them.

For instance, LinkedIn, which is the premier employment oriented platform online, allows employers to let professionals know what they are all about. Creating a LinkedIn page enables companies to exhibit employee testimonials, share photos and videos of company events, mention exciting career opportunities and so much more. In other words, the brand of your company should be at the forefront.

Furthermore, Instagram is another viable option for promotional purposes. Companies can increase their brand awareness if they are creative on Instagram. Sharing media like photos and video content of what happens within the company can be done conveniently on the application.
If your company is hosting a recruitment event, you can opt for paid ads that target a specific audience on Instagram. Likewise, any social event, CSR endeavors and company retreats can be shared there.
Last but not least, Twitter can also be utilized to deliver a message about your company. Twitter’s conversational newsfeed and interface make it convenient to promote a brand. By having a presence on Twitter, a company can share their collective thoughts and create interactive content which can reach a large audience.

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