The Benefits of Freelancing

The Benefits of Freelancing

A freelancer is basically any professional who is self-employed and offers their services to clients. Freelancing is done through portals like Prodoo, which are designed to accommodate freelancers and enable them to find the best opportunities in the job market.

Freelancing has grown significantly and has become more pertinent than ever, particularly since the pandemic began. According to Upwork, one of the premier platforms for freelancers, roughly fifty-seven million Americans were freelancing in 2019 and that number has only gone up since.

Why choose Freelancing?

You set your own hours

There are various benefits of freelancing. For instance, it allows an individual to be their own boss in effect and also set their own work routine, all from the comfort of their home. Setting your own hours is simply not possible when you are employed by an organization.

Freelancing is flexible: a freelancer can select full-time or part-time assignments and complete them at hours that are convenient for them. Also, working from home means that there is no commuting to and from work, which saves considerable time.

Moreover, freelancing is not location-specific, which means you are not confined to a single space. Freelancers are able to be independent as their work is portable. This means they can effectively work wherever they want.

You become an independent contractor

Freelancers are not employees; they are independent contractors. When they engage clients, the client will inform them about the requirements of the project. However, the freelancer will be able to dictate how the work is completed. In other words, the freelancer has complete autonomy with regard to the work.

You get paid well

If you’re working as a freelancer, you can eventually get paid what you’re worth and set your own prices. Of course, the caveat is that you have gained ample experience and developed clout in the freelance market. Invariably, the price may be higher than what you would’ve earned if you were an office employee.

There is great demand for your skills

The freelancing market may be crowded and competitive but clients are always seeking reliable freelancers who can ensure optimal quality. In fact, there are many organizations that prefer to hire freelancers as opposed to recruiting full-time employees. Freelancers tend to cost the company less since they do not require a workspace and fringe benefits in addition to their salaries.

You can choose your clients

If you’re employed at a firm, you do not have the luxury to select your manager. That decision simply goes beyond your authority. On the other hand, if you’re working as a freelancer, you can decide on your own terms if you wish to pursue a project with a particular client. This is especially true once you have enough experience in freelancing.

You can have a better work life balance

As a freelancer, you can set your own working hours and decide which clients to work with. This means you have the liberty to pursue some of your hobbies in your leisure time. This means you can strike a balance between your work and everything else.

On the other hand, if you were employed elsewhere, you may have had long working hours, which means you would’ve compromised on other aspects of your life.

You may pay less taxes

Another benefit of working as a freelancer is that independent contracts work differently than conventional employment. As per the latest tax alterations, employees are not permitted to deduct unreimbursed work-related expenses. However, independent contractors can. They can reduce business expenses from their earnings, which means they end up paying lesser tax.

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