How Prodoo differs from other recruitment portals

How Prodoo differs from other recruitment portals

The global pandemic has undoubtedly created a dramatic shift towards increased online activity. However, certain aspects of our lives became digital long before COVID-19 became apparent.

For instance, if you examine the history of Ecommerce, it has been around since the 20th century. Amazon launched their website in 1994 and eBay followed a year later. Likewise, even recruitment is largely online based now.

There is a plethora of portals that enable professionals to find the perfect job opportunity. Prodoo is one such example. One of the USPs of Prodoo is a feature called Phillip, which we’ll look into below:

What is Phillip?

Once you sign up and enter your login details, you are led to your dashboard. If you have signed up as a professional, you’ll find Phillip on the main page. The tab which states ‘What Can Phillip Do For You?’ is where you can run the starter guide.

Phillip on iPro

Once you select the option, you are met with a prompt window which contains details of how Phillip helps. Basically, Phillip is a guide that makes it much easier for independent professionals (hence the name iPro) to find opportunities on Prodoo.

Once you’ve uploaded your resume and adjoining documents on Prodoo, that is where Phillip comes in. On the second page, you can add your resume in PDF format (if you haven’t already). The third page of the prompt window is where Phillip verifies if all the professional’s information is inserted.

If you add your resume on the second page, Phillip automatically inserts the details in the relevant sections in a matter of seconds! Also, Phillip gives users an option to select if they are ready to start a new job immediately, if they require a notice period or if they’re unavailable until a certain date.

Phillip on Searcher

Alternatively, if you use Phillip as a hiring manager (hence the name searcher) on the Searcher dashboard, you will also be led to a prompt window. Similar to the iPro option, the first page is where the user is greeted by Phillip.

On the second page, searchers can insert their workplace website before proceeding. Once this is done, they are led to the third page, where recruiters must specify the description of the job they are looking to advertise on Prodoo.

For instance, if the role on offer is that of an Information Security Specialist, then a matching description should be mentioned on the third page. Furthermore, a starting date can also be mentioned, a mirror image of the option presented to independent professionals.

Searchers can indicate if they want the candidate to begin at once, if they are willing to accept the chosen candidate serving a notice period or they can simply mention the specific date they require the candidate to join.

On the fourth and final page, Phillips validates if searchers have connected their social media channels to Prodoo, if they have created a shortlist, etc. A contact number can also be added at the end of the guide.

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