The Best Features of Prodoo for Freelancers

The Best Features of Prodoo for Freelancers

Prodoo is an outstanding recruitment portal that is tailored to serve freelancers. If you’re looking for the premier job, Prodoo is equipped with attributes that make it easier than ever for users to get the relevant information they need.

So what are some of the foremost features of Prodoo that freelancers can avail? We’ll highlight some of the best ones below:


Once you’ve signed up on the website, you will gain access to your dashboard. If you’re a freelancer, you can utilize the iPro variant on the portal. The dashboard is comprised of a navigation bar that allows users to make a number of changes. Some of the features included are:


A resume or CV (Curriculum Vitae) is a document that contains the candidate’s relevant information and is used to apply for positions. In iPro mode, you can edit your resume and alter details such as your education, experience, trainings and certifications, skills, languages etc. Simply import your PDF resume and get started!


Freelancers can also create a presentation On Prodoo. They can disseminate this presentation when applying for a role. In other words, it is similar to a cover letter. The plan should be to devise a new one for each role you have mentioned in your resume.

Typically, when a recruiter finds a candidate, it is up to the latter to attach the presentation they’ve made to market themselves and mention why they are the ideal resource for the role advertised.


The next tab in the navigation bar is called opportunity. Users can search for new opportunities here. If you have applied for roles in the past, these will appear here under the new, accepted and declined tabs respectively.


Another option for freelancers is the collaborations tab. Any association you have formed with recruiters will be displayed under this tab and will be categorized as new, active and inactive collaborations.


Moreover, freelancers can also manage their messages on Prodoo. You can compose a new message as well as access your inbox and sent items. You can communicate with recruiters by writing a new message once you have received and accepted an invitation from them.


The feedback section is where you can interact with Prodoo. We expect our users to provide useful information which we can implement and improve Prodoo in the process. We are firm believers in offers prompt customer support and utilizing your evaluation to our advantage.


Besides factoring in feedback from freelancers, we have created an about section for further transparency with our users. Those who are interested in learning more about Prodoo should make their way to this tab. The about tab contains information like what version of Prodoo is live, terms and conditions, legal notice and privacy policy respectively.

Furthermore, we have also formulated an FAQs section, which answer frequent freelancer queries like what constitutes a keyword, the definition of skill and what a role is. If you’re a freelancer, Prodoo is simply the best place to be! We have created a platform that allows you to be the best freelancer possible

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