In the challenging days of the pandemic diseases COVID19, people are adopting social distancing, and strict standards of procedure (SOPs) to minimize the spread of this disease. For businesses, shutting down in the pandemic tenure is not possible, therefore most of them have started operating remotely, which is why their productivity has increased instead of decreasing. Remote working is not something new, as freelancing platforms exist since pre-pandemic tenure, and a lot of people want to ensure work life balance, for a healthy life style. People have learnt that skipping two days off a week won’t decrease their productivity. The article discusses 5 benefits of remote working.

  1. Work Life Balance Improves

Work Life Balance is a phenomena which holds concept that any person should balance his work and personal life routines in such a way that none among work and life routines should affect one another. Stress in either work life or personal life can directly or indirectly affect the health, consciousness, thinking abilities, and performance. One of the 5 benefits of remote working is ensuring work life balance. You are working, yet you are with your family and being part of their happenings.

  • Comfortable Working Hours

You choose your working hours because some projects will need specific hours for completion and some will need a time frame, which gives you an edge to swap timing for several tasks in a day. You have enough time to plan your on-going routine tasks. Comfortable working hours is one of the benefits of 5 benefits of remote working. In a 9 to 5 job culture you are time bound and this is why your performance may decrease when your target approaching schedule is slower than others. Remote work is the best for such people.

  • Enough Time to do Research

In remote working style, you have freedom to explore newer options for you that will not put you in trouble in front of your employers. Your employers only see what you do for them and how you do that. They don’t see something that is not related to them. Your employers can not dictate you as 9 to 5 jobs witness. Thus enough time to do research is also one of the 5 benefits of remote working.

  • Time for Self Reflection

With ample time in hand, you know you have got enough time to relax, and self reflect. You know what you delivered and you can track down your past work. You can calmly identify where you lag behind and evaluate the methods to cover up your short comings. Self reflection is mandatory to ensure increase in productivity and it demands self-learning, self-driven, and self-evaluation attitude. Chances of grooming increase in case of time for self selection, therefore, it is also one of the benefits of 5 benefits of remote working.

  • Not Location Bound

With remote working style, you are not location or time-bound. You can be anywhere, yet present at a conference, a meeting, a presentation, or a team activity. You can be anywhere working on a project alone or with others in liaison. Thus being not location bound is also one of the 5 benefits of remote working.

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