Tictell by Prodoo: Streamlining Time Tracking for Professionals and Recruiters

Tictell by Prodoo: Streamlining Time Tracking for Professionals and Recruiters

Tictell by Prodoo: Streamlining Time Tracking for Professionals and Recruiters

In the fast-paced world of project management and freelance work, tracking time accurately is crucial. It ensures that professionals are compensated fairly for their efforts and provides employers with a clear understanding of how resources are allocated. Prodoo, a leading platform in the field of project management and collaboration, has recognized the importance of efficient time tracking. In response to this need, they have introduced Tictell, a feature that simplifies the process of time tracking for both independent professionals (ipros) and recruiters.

Tictell, an ingenious addition to the Prodoo platform, bridges the gap between independent professionals and recruiters. It allows ipros to submit their work hours, and recruiters to review and accept them. In this article, we will explore the Tictell feature in detail and provide a step-by-step guide on how to submit a timesheet on Prodoo.

The Tictell Feature

For Independent Professionals (ipros):

For independent professionals, Tictell offers a streamlined way to submit their time spent on various tasks. Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign in to Prodoo: Log in to your Prodoo account to access your dashboard.
  2. Find Tictell Option: On the left navigation panel, you’ll find the “Tictell” option. Click on it to access the Tictell feature.
  3. Collaboration Selection: On the upper left side of the Tictell interface, select the “Collaboration” option. This allows you to specify the project or assignment for which you want to track your time.
  4. Time Period: Select the desired time period for which you want to track your hours. This could be daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your project requirements.
  5. Automatic Calculation: The amount you’re owed for your time will be calculated automatically, based on the agreed-upon rate between you and the recruiter.
  6. Review and Submit: Review the time entries and the calculated amount. Once you’re satisfied, click the “Submit” button to send your timesheet to the recruiter for approval.

For Recruiters:

Tictell offers recruiters an efficient and user-friendly way to manage the time tracking of their freelance professionals. Here’s how recruiters can use Tictell:

  1. Sign in to Prodoo: Log in to your Prodoo account to access your dashboard.
  2. Tictell Access: Click on the “Tictell” option in the left navigation panel to access the Tictell feature.
  3. Collaboration Selection: In the Tictell interface, select the collaboration for which you want to review time entries.
  4. Time Period: Choose the time period for which you want to review time entries – daily, weekly, or monthly.
  5. Review and Accept: Review the time entries submitted by the ipros. Once you’re satisfied that the time entries are accurate and in line with the agreed-upon terms, click the “Accept” button to approve the timesheet.

By following these simple steps, both ipros and recruiters can efficiently track and manage their time and payments within the Prodoo platform. This integration not only saves time but also minimizes disputes and ensures transparency in the working relationship between professionals and recruiters.

In conclusion, Tictell by Prodoo is a game-changing feature that simplifies time tracking for both independent professionals and recruiters. Its user-friendly interface and step-by-step process make it easy for users to submit and review timesheets accurately and efficiently. With Tictell, Prodoo continues to empower professionals and organizations with the tools they need to succeed in the ever-evolving world of project management and collaboration. Time tracking has never been this hassle-free.

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